Tuesday is the time for change. we set our clocks back sunday, and hopefully we change our trustee tuesday! i recieved a new flier package in the door today from guess who, mr ward. in this package he brags about serving our community for 24 years. in 24 years you would think some one with this time as trustee would have a list of accomplishments larger than the paper can hold. his list of accomplishments are very few and are dated several years ago. no new ones to speak of in the last four years. what has he done in his last term to brag about? notta! i called some one on the association board and asked if jerry was a member. the answer was no, he has not been a member since the association started up again in 2005. he lives in huber ridge and does not support the association/community. what does this say? i hope we have a change this tuesday. we need the community to come together and vote, vote for the community, vote change. we need a change, accountability, strong leadership. i hope to see a large turn out tuesday. the time is now, as we are facing a huge water rate increase. we need the township to support the residents in this fight. not as the township (current trustee's)has stood idle in the past on the previous increase's. change is inevidable, lets start tuesday. VOTE CHANGE
By long time resident