Dear McLovin,
We live on Bashaw Drive, a steet to the immediate east of Montevideo.
I also was home when two young men leaped across our backyard fence, not on the same night. Besides the obvious trespassing, it was unusual for someone to jump the fences. I have a neighbor with a backyard garden so they returned across our yard to jump the fence going the opposite direction. I haven't seen them since.
It has been summer and there have been more instances of 2 or 3 young men walking around the neighborhood. Not that they were doing anything wrong, just that they seemed out of place on the street.
This kind of daylight break-in that you experienced is unacceptable.
If anyone notices similar behavior you should take a moment and contact the Block Watch representative on your street or Pam Clegg from the HRAA Board.
You don't have to get involved but you might be able to help with a description. If enough people speak up we have a better chance that it won't be your home that is visited next.
Brent Sheffer
5663 Bashaw Drive