President David Little is "concerned about the motivation behind the recent PR campaign of misinformation about" his company.  He finds it "interesting that an out-of-state PR firm has been hired to encourage public involvement in a rate-making process that is already, by statue, transparent, open and available for public participation."


Could his concern be that because of this PR firm our legislators are "hearing" our voices and have begun legislation that will impact the OAW bottom line and actually help the consumer?  Honestly, the outlandish rates should have been dealt a blow long ago, and we should have long ago been able to keep residents in the community because of competitive water rates.


How thoughtful of Mr. Little to inform residents of the "facts" regarding this OAW rate case.  Did he mention their bonuses?  Did he mention their profit margin?  It is really irksome that he attempts to persuade people to consider their rates as justifiable and we should be accept being gouged in the process.


Homes sales and a transient community speak louder to me than Mr. Little or anyone else who defends OAW rates.


Pam Clegg