Huber Ridge Area

Ohio American Water

Posted in: Huber Ridge Area

Hello Everyone,

 I bought my house a couple years ago and have done nothing but fight with this horrible water company here. I recently bought a washer that uses 1/2 the water of my previous washer but saw no change in the water bill. Worst part of it my water usage magically remained the same exact usage # for 4 MONTHS in a row. Exactly 5984 gallons. This was simply impossible for anyone and even more for me because I have 3 kids that don't measure their water usage. I filed complaints with PUCO and when I called OAW to see if they received the complaint they actually said " So what do you want me to do about it?"! Is there anything I can help do to get rid of these guys. I would be willing to pay extra for awhile just to get them out of here. They are simply a bunch of theives.


Your Neighbor!

Ms. Adams

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  • bambi
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Blendon Township, OH
  • 337 Posts
Dear Ms. Adams, There is a hearing related to H.B. 87 which is about OAW and legal fees they can pass on to us during a rate increase - time prohibits me from giving more details. Below is an excerpt from an email sent by Alex Kraemer of Rep. Grossman's office (email You should call him first to be sure the hearing is still scheduled and to find out the time/date. I asked him last week if written testimony would be acceptable in lieu of attending the hearing and this is what he wrote: "written testimony is acceptable and will be submitted to the committee members. You do not have to send it to me by tomorrow as the Public Utilities Committee isn??™t holding a hearing this week. The deadline will most likely be next Tuesday, March 8th. However, you can send it to me whenever you would like." Thank you, Alex Kraemer LSC Fellow 2011 Rep. Grossman's Office, District 23 Vern Riffe Center, 14th Floor (614) 466-9690 Jim Welch, trustee and HRAA president, would be happy to assist you with your concerns. His number is 882-8959. Hope this helps you and all who share your concerns. Pam Clegg, neighbor
Blendon Township, Ohio 43081