Huber Ridge Area

HRAA meeting minutes 03-08

Oct 19, 2008

March 6, 2008 Minutes

Call to order: by President Jim Welch at 6:37 PM

Introduction/Attendance: There were 18 residents present (including two first time visitors.)

Shandrea Thomas with Channel 6 was already on site. Pam Clegg and Jim Welch were interviewed. Jim encouraged visitors to comment on air about water quality from Ohio American Water. Yellowing of clothes, price of water, and no improvement in water quality were among the complaints voiced. The film was to be shown on Fox Channel 28 at 10:00 PM and Channel 6 at 11:00 PM. Jim said profit margin for OAW was not what the company expected, so it is now applying for higher rates in hopes of raising the value of its stock. It already has a 14% increase and is asking for 31.68%. OAW rates for water vary depending on the areas it serves. Updates will be posted to the website. A meeting with OAW, PUCO and the public is planned for late May or June. Everyone is encouraged to help circulate petitions.

President Jim Welch asked for comments and questions from the group. Rachel Hart , a five-month resident, expressed concerns about her neighbor?’s vehicles being parked in a manner that makes it difficult to get out of her driveway and blocks a clear view of the street. She was advised by Pam Clegg that vehicles not moved in 48 hours are in violation. Pam will forward her complaint via e-mail to the police department.
On a positive note, cars have been removed from the street on Oslo and Stockholm.
Doug Dapo will speak with Kurtz Bros. concerning the odor from mulch.

Treasurer?’s Report: Eric Cordray asked for (and received) approval to pay $77.55 for Welcome Letters. There are currently 223 members in the Assocation.

Block Watch Report: Pam Clegg has two new Block Watch Reps. She asked that everyone please read the handout which includes details on Block Watch training--Gang Awareness-to be held April 5.

Welcome Committee: Carolyn Cordray presented Rachel Hart with a ?“Welcome Bag?”. She discussed the Welcome process of mailing letters to new residents and inviting them to an introduction meeting. One resident came tonight. The third annual Plant, Seed, and Slip Swap will be held May 10 in the park from 9:00 AM until Noon.

Newsletter Editor: Noting that the deadline is today, Marje Obrist thanked everyone for submitting their articles early. There are now 17 potential advertisers. Help is still needed to get the newsletters delivered.

New Business: Carolyn , Pam, and Marje are the planning committee for ?“Huber Ridge Blooms?” to encourage gardening and landscaping in the neighborhood.

Mark these dates on your Calendars:

April 5 Block Watch Training
April 19 Spring Clean Up at the Park--Come on down!
May 10 Slips and Seed Swap
July 7 Community Yard Sale
Sept. 1 Labor Day Parade

Buy a T-Shirt!!!!

Adjourn--Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Carr
HRAA Secretary

Apr 2: FREE Community Health Fair
Apr 9: Board of Trustees Meeting
Apr 12: Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Apr 23: Board of Trustees Meeting
Blendon Township, Ohio 43081

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