Huber Ridge Area

HRAA meeting minutes 02-08

Oct 19, 2008

Call to order: by President Jim Welch at 6:38 PM

Introduction/Attendance There were 20 residents in attendance (including four first time visitors.) Also, present were Shawndrea Thomas from Channel 6 and cameraman.

President?’s Comments Jim Welch welcomed everyone to the meeting and announced that things would be changed around for this meeting. TV Channel 6 would be present to film comments on the proposed water rate increase. He passed out a questionaire on the Association and website and reported on the hits to the website. He provided copies of the newspaper article on OCC headlines. He reminded members and visitors that petitions are available to distribute on the water rate issue. He encouraged everyone to write letters. Faith Covenant Church may hold a public meeting with the OAW and the PUCO.
Jim also announced the regular July meeting may be rescheduled due to the Fourth of July holiday.

Vice President?’s Report: Tom Burke asked to arrange time to work on kiosks. Plans are being made for the annual garage sale to be held in July.

Treasurer?’s Report: Eric Cordray reported membership renewals of 5-6 per week. Now have 124 households, 223 members.

Welcome Committee: Carolyn Cordray reported 85 home sales in 2007, 11 were banks; there were 97 sales in 2006, 5 of which were banks. So far for January 2008, 4 sales.

Block Watch Report: Pam Clegg reported two new block watch reps. She explained the new ?“Tier?” method of reporting sex offenders--detailed in her Block Watch handout.

Clean Up Committee: Lori Mann discussed plans for clean up at Ridgewood Park on April 19.
Ideas are welcomed, mulching, painting, etc. Lunch, coffee and hot chocolate will be provided.

Newsletter Editor: Marje Obrist reminded contributors that articles are due March 6 (regular meeting) for the next newsletter.

Guests-Ed Chilcoat announced that Block Watch training will be held at Faith Covenant
Church on a Saturday in April. Kevin Diamond, Youth Pastor, asked the Association?’s help in promoting summer activities for the community. Specifically, 3 on 3 Basketball to be held in July--with music and food. Also, participation in a fast for World Vision, possibly on April 25, with youth asking for food donations while fasting. Marje suggested that Kevin write a short article for the newsletter and the website.Pam Clegg made a statement for Channel 6 on the water rate increase.

Adjourn-Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted.
Jenny Carr

Apr 2: FREE Community Health Fair
Apr 9: Board of Trustees Meeting
Apr 12: Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Apr 23: Board of Trustees Meeting
Blendon Township, Ohio 43081

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