Huber Ridge Area

HRAA meeting minutes 04-08

Oct 19, 2008

April 10, 2008 Minutes

Call to order: by President Jim Welch at 6:32 PM

Introduction/Attendance: There were 20 residents present.

Meeting was rescheduled due to the Garage Sale at the Senior Center the previous week.
A get-well card for Brent Sheffer was circulated.

President Jim Welch asked for questions and comments. Doug Dapo reported about his meeting with Kurtz Brothers concerning the bad odor from their mulching operation. The EPA has been in contact with them previously. Marion Black , yard manager, was very cooperative and offered to give the Association a tour of the site. The business is open from 7:00AM to 7:00PM. Please contact Doug with any problems or suggestions. Possibly their representative could attend a meeting. Doug was asked to write an article for the next newsletter. Check the website for more information.

William Cochenour presented Jim with a 1998 map of the community showing members of the Association at that time and other interesting articles and paperwork. Membership fee then was $1.00.

Ed Chilcoat, Faith Covenant Church, announced that the 3 on 3 Basketball will be held August 9 at 1:00PM at the church. Movies will start May 23 on the lawn, two weekends per month for younger children and one weekend for older kids and adults. The neighborhood is welcome to use the hoops and church grounds.

Vice-President?’s Report: Tom Burke discussed the park cleanup.. Noting that it is a perfect way to make up ?“community service?”.

Treasurer?’s Report: Eric Cordray reported $5338.60 in funds. One renewal membership.

Block Watch Report: Pam Clegg was not present, but the Block Watch reported was handed out. Ed Chilcoat said 13 attended the ?“Gang Awareness Training?”. Sgt. Branch Wayt is currently working on a drug program.

Welcome Committee: Carolyn Cordray reminded everyone of the Plant, Seed and Slip Swap on May 10--from 9:00 AM until noon. Please check out the park-flowers are blooming.

Newsletter Editor: Spring issue is out. Marje Obrist thanks everyone for helping with articles, delivery, etc. The deadline for articles for the next issue is June 9.

Cleanup Committee: Lori Mann reported that tiles were installed to help with the?“swamp?” water problem. Mulch has been delivered. The shelter house will be painted. Rakes, pitchforks and wheelbarrows are needed for the cleanup on Saturday April 19. Gardening tools and painting supplies would also be helpful. Hot chocolate, coffee and doughnuts will be provided, as well as hotdogs and hamburgers for lunch. Lori explained that the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts will be among the volunteers.

President Jim Welch says the OCC (Ohio Consumer Council) is siding with the Association on the water issue per their liason, Pam Learman. The OCC will be holding a forum to inform consumers about the water rate increase. There have been 16 more letters to the PUCO. We still need to get more signatures on the petitions.
He would like to congratulate Lori Mann who received national recognition for her work with the Scouts with the Cross and Flame Award.

Don?’t forget the beautiful T-Shirts--only $10.00. As always, volunteers are needed for upcoming events. See Jim if you would like to help.

Thanks, everyone, for attending the meeting, and thanks for making this a better community!

Adjourn--Meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Carr
HRAA Secretary

Apr 2: FREE Community Health Fair
Apr 9: Board of Trustees Meeting
Apr 12: Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Apr 23: Board of Trustees Meeting
Blendon Township, Ohio 43081

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