Huber Ridge Area

HRAA meeting minutes 05-08

Oct 19, 2008

May 1, 2008 Minutes

Call to order: By President Jim Welch at 6:30 PM.

Introduction and Attendance: There were 40 residents present, 24 staying for the the regular meeting following the OCC presentation.

OCC (Ohio Consumers?’ Council) was present to discuss the OAW rate increase. Pam Learman led the discussion with introductions and the purpose of the public forum. She explained how to testify at public hearings. Greg Poulos discussed water quality issues. Ann Hotz, Attorney for OCC, explained the rate case process. Also present were Linda Walls Rominski,Community Outreach Manager, Andy Tinkham, Outreach Specialist and
Mike Burris, specialist on water quality. There were approximately 40 residents on hand.

Regular Meeting:

Jim Welch said there were about 90 people in all to help with the Ridgewood Park Cleanup. Finished in record time, getting the trails mulched in five hours. The web site had 3328 hits in April, up from the previous month. Discussion area has been redone and is less popular. Please feel free to submit your comments. Kurtz Bros.plan to be at the June 5 regular meeting

Marje encouraged anyone who was interested to submit their ideas for articles for the next newsletter.

Lori thanked everyone for participating in the very successful cleanup.

Eric had no report.

Carolyn was early for the Welcome Reception, but no one came. She reported that through April 22 there were 4 home sales: two individuals and two banks. She reminded visitors of the Plant Swap to be held May 10. Any extra plants will go to the park. Flowerbeds at the park entrance will be mulched. She says Trustee Stewart Flaherty is very interested in promoting the beautification of the neighborhood.

Tom reported that the kiosks have been repaired--with new glass and paint. Plans are being made for the July neighborhood Yard Sale.

Jim: Don?’t forget about Memorial Day ceremony May 25 honoring those serving their country. And thank you for being here.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Carr
HRAA Secretary

Apr 2: FREE Community Health Fair
Apr 9: Board of Trustees Meeting
Apr 12: Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Apr 23: Board of Trustees Meeting
Blendon Township, Ohio 43081

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