Huber Ridge Area

HRAA meeting minutes 06-08

Oct 19, 2008

June 5, 2008 Minutes

Call to order: By President Jim Welch at 6:45 PM

Introduction and attendance: There were 18 residents present

Jim thanked everyone for coming (especially Jerry Ward who brought the key). He introduced Marion Black from Kurtz Bros. who addressed the group and explained the mulching process. The odor results from natural decomposition of grass and yard waste. Everything is organic. Rainwater, runoff, etc. does not leave the site. There are silt fences and a 5 foot berm in place.
Marje Obrist and Doug Dapo toured the plant. He will have an article in the upcoming Herald.

Tom says the community garage sale will be held July 12 from 8:00 to 4:00. Maps will be handed out identifying participant?’s locations.

Eric (Treasurer) reports there are 124 households as HRAA members.

Carolyn (Welcome Committee) says through May 20, there were six home sales, none to banks. More plants are needed for the park.. There are now eight competitors in Huber Ridge Blooms. June 14 is the deadline for entering. The tour will be held June 28.

Jim handed out Pam?’s Block Watch report.

Marje reminded everyone of the June 5 deadline for the next issue of the newsletter. She has 15 advertisers which should cover the cost of printing.

Jim reports the hit list for May at 3300. Check the website for information on area events, churches, etc. Dates to remember: July 12 Garage Sale, 8/5 National Night Out, and
9/1 Labor Day Parade. Due to the July 4 holiday, the next regular meeting will be July 10.

Resident Alex Sombaty reminds members to read the fine print on the insurance policy sold by OAW.

Jim asks everyone to get letters out to the OAW concerning the rate increase. And please attend the public hearings. Thanks to all who came out tonight.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Carr
HRAA Secretary

Apr 2: FREE Community Health Fair
Apr 9: Board of Trustees Meeting
Apr 12: Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Apr 23: Board of Trustees Meeting
Blendon Township, Ohio 43081

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