Huber Ridge Area

HRAA meeting minutes 08-08

Oct 19, 2008

August 7, 2008 Minutes

Called to order: By President Jim Welch at 6:32 PM

Introduction and Attendance: There were 22 residents present. Guest speaker Ed Leonard, Franklin County Treasurer was introduced.

Tom, Vice President: reported the neighborhood yard sale a success.

Marje, News Letter Editor: handed out her list of possible articles for the next issue. The deadline is August 21 for articles and advertising.

Carolyn, Welcome Committee Coordinator: There were 5 new home sales for the month of July--only one to a bank. The second annual Labor Day Bike Parade will go from the Elementary School to the Park. Blendon Township police will escort. She is in the early stages of planning for the Halloween Party.

This evening?’s guest speaker Ed Leonard took over the Franklin County Treasurer?’s office from Richard Cordray. What they do: Their office is the county?’s banker. All the money goes to the Treasurer?’s office. When the Auditor issues checks, it is coordinated with the Treasurer to insure money is available. The office is also the investor for the county and is heavily regulated--main issue is safety and liquidity. Tax collector?’s main function is real and personal property tax. They invest the county?’s taxes but don?’t collect other taxes. Appeals can be made to Board of Revisions for property value issues. Real estate taxes are billed twice a year--one year in arrears. There is a 2 ?½ % rollback (which has to be applied for) to all home owners for primary residence. Homestead exemption for over age 65 and permanent disability exemption have to be applied for.

Mr. Leonard drove by the house on Makassar to see the property in person. Currently, there is a motion for summary judgement. There is nothing to challenge so the time to settle is now. An entry has been submitted to the judge to find in favor of the Prosecutor?’s office with the property to be sold at Sheriff?’s sale. The picture will be updated. The date of resolution depends on the sheriff?’s sale, possibly by the end of the year.

He also passed out literature and spoke of the Treasurer?’s Tips on the

Jim Welch, President: On the water rate increase, the Public Forum has come about due to the letters mailed and petitions signed. PUCO is looking to grant the increase. Trustees changed their meeting to enable them to be present at the Public Forum on August 20 at Faith Covenant Church.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Carr
HRAA Secretary

Apr 2: FREE Community Health Fair
Apr 9: Board of Trustees Meeting
Apr 12: Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Apr 23: Board of Trustees Meeting
Blendon Township, Ohio 43081

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