Huber Ridge Area

HRAA meeting minutes 09-08

Oct 19, 2008

September 4, 2008 Minutes

Called to order: By President Jim Welch at 6:33 PM

Introduction and Attendance: There were thirteen residents present. Jim began by asking for questions or concerns. Doug Dapo asked what happens now (with the OAW water rate increase). Jim answered that there should be another public forum in downtown Columbus. PUCO will review all letters mailed and testimony given at the forum held at Faith Covenant Church on August 20. Sally Bloomfield, OAW, objected to Jim?’s testimony but he was allowed to speak for an hour. Negotiations may not be in the community?’s favor. Asking again for residents to write letters against negotiation and copy the Governor.

Pam Clegg handed out the Block Watch report which welcomed two new block watch reps and included a signup sheet for anyone wanting to become a rep and join the HRAA. There are now no sex offenders in the immediate area. She still needs people to help deliver the newsletter.

Tom Burke says Kroger may help with props for the Halloween party, now in the planning stage.

Carolyn Cordray only had four participants in the second annual Labor Day bike parade. Two police officers from Blendon Township were on hand. Barbara Wallace, Principal of the Elementary school says the walking track is half completed at a cost of $17,000. $20,000 more is needed for completion. Fund raisers are being planned, including a weiner roast on October 10 and a sale of sports memorabilia.

Welcome Committee had five new home sales in early August. Not much interest has been shown in the welcome bags and open house held to welcome newcomers to the neighborhood. Prize donations are needed for the Halloween party. Volunteers are encouraged to participate. Especially teens, for guiding tours and planning games and activities. A signup sheet was handed out.

Marje Obrist offered her thanks to all for their early submission of articles for the fall issue of the Herald. There are 13 ads and 23 articles. Still have 3 unpaid ads for the summer issue. The Executive Committee approved the newsletter for printing.

Jim feels that it may become necessary to make some changes in the Herald. The HRAA needs new members--ask your neighbors to join. Joya Neff will design a membership card for the Association. She will contact Grace Baptist Church about joining. Election of new officers will be held January 8, the first regular meeting of 2009. Anyone who is interested, please contact a member of the current Executive Committee by December 4.
He concluded by thanking those present and reminding them--they can and do make a difference.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Carr
HRAA Secretary

Apr 2: FREE Community Health Fair
Apr 9: Board of Trustees Meeting
Apr 12: Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Apr 23: Board of Trustees Meeting
Blendon Township, Ohio 43081

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