Huber Ridge Area

HRAA meeting minutes 11-6-08

Dec 13, 2008

November 6, 2008

Call to order by President Jim Welch at 6:36 PM

Introduction and Attendance: There were 18 present.

Jim welcomed everyone and opened the meeting by asking for questions and if anyone had any concerns.
Joya Neff reported noticing a pink post-it note on her yard security sign. She was told by the police dispatcher that reports had to be made in person, not over the phone. Jim reminded everyone that Blendon dispatch is through Franklin County. Please call 889-9494. Joya was also concerned about the neighbor?’s open fire. Per Fire Dept., leaves can not be burned. Jim told those present that there will be a consortium bidding for waste pickup. Hoping to find a hauler who will provide recycling for customers.

Marje Obrist reminded contributors that the deadline for advertising and articles for the next newsletter is December 4. She needs more advertisers.

Tom Burke advised that the Halloween Party will need to be revamped for next year--with possibly having no one under thirteen working there. Keep watching the internet for nominations on this year?’s Christmas lighting contest. Hopefully, pictures will be in the January Herald.

Carolyn Cordray presented both her report and Eric?’s treasurer report. There were four new HRAA memberships from the Halloween Party. Donors for the party will be listed on the website. Twenty-two kids registered for Community Service. Five new home sales for September--all to individuals. So far, through October 20 there were only two sales.

Pam Clegg handed out the Block Watch report. HRAA will offer block watch training to residents in late January 2009 to be held at police station. She thanked Faith Covenant Church volunteers for helping keep Trick or Treat night safe and uneventful. Residents have reported seeing rats on Makassar. The Health Dept. was out to investigate. A handout on ?“How to Prevent Rats?” was circulated.

Lori Mann asked everyone to start thinking about the annual Park Clean Up day. It will be mentioned in the January Herald, with details in the April newsletter. Still need volunteers to stain steps and benches.

Ed Chilcoat said Faith Covenant Church had 18 people in vests patrolling the streets on Trick or Treat Night. There were no issues, a quiet night. Thanks from HRAA for all the work they do for the community.

Jim Welch reports there were 3200 hits on the website, down from last month. There is a HEAP application, hazardous waste disposal dates, flyer about the water rate hike, and much more on the website.
Our trustees need to be awakened to the needs and opinions of the community--by resident?’s voting and by attending trustee meetings. Jim asked Joya Neff to attend the Executive Meeting on November 20 to discuss membership drive.
Thanks for coming to the meeting!

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Carr, Secretary

Apr 2: FREE Community Health Fair
Apr 9: Board of Trustees Meeting
Apr 12: Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Apr 23: Board of Trustees Meeting
Blendon Township, Ohio 43081

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