Huber Ridge Area Association
February 5, 2009 Minutes
Call to order by Jim Welch at 6:35 PM.
Introduction and attendance: There were 17 residents present.
Jim spoke about the need to make the meetings shorter.
Tom Burke gave the first report. He spoke to Brian Wilson at Rumpke about being involved with the park clean-up day. Brian said Rumpke would be happy to be involved in whatever way was needed.
Lori Mann said she spoke to Cindy Decker at the Columbus Dispatch about weeding out invasive species in the park.
Carolyn Cordray gave Eric?’s treasurer?’s report. The report was made available in detail as a hand-out at the meeting. As of 1/26/09, there was $5,297.16 in the HRAA account.
Carolyn continued with her Welcome report. She gave highlights about
data which has been collected over a three year period about home sales in Huber Ridge. She also stated that the ?“Welcome Bag?” idea didn?’t work well nor did the new resident reception. Her report was available as a hand-out as well.
Since Pam Clegg was not able to attend, Carolyn also gave highlights from Pam?’s detailed Block Watch Report (available as a hand-out at the meeting). Included in the report were the status of Block Watch reps, sex offenders in our neighborhood, and the police activity bulletin.
Joya Neff highlighted her membership report. There are currently 38 member households, 13 of which are new. Joya?’s hand-out included a spreadsheet listing the members and their contact information.
Jim Welch highlighted Marje Obrist?’s Newsletter Editor?’s report. Upcoming HRAA events include the annual garage sale in late June, Huber blooms, July 1, and the HRAA block party with Faith Covenant Church tentatively scheduled for May 30. Ed Chilcoat is soliciting ideas for the event. He can be e-mailed at
Jim said to date there had been 2192 hits to the website with Jan 2009 hits down from previous months. He asked for ideas for the membership drive and encouraged people to contact Joya or anyone on the executive committee with their ideas.
Jerry Ward reported some things from the trustee board meeting. They included the resignation of Bill Bates effective March 31. There will be a farewell party for him at the March 18 township meeting (which is not open to the public).Jerry suggested some sort of a ?“thank you?” for him since he has been so supportive of HRAA. He said that meetings will be held at 4:30 PM for awhile.
Jerry also talked about the importance of cars being moved during snow emergencies to help the snow removal process.
The board is also working on uniform signage for Huber Ridge as well as making all curbs and sidewalks look the same.
Someone asked Jerry why so many Rumpke trucks came through the neighborhood to pick up the trash (one for the trash, one for the recyclables, etc). The concern was whether this would destroy roads quicker. Jerry didn?’t know the long-term effect of this but stated that Rumpke might just still be trying to work out their routes.
Also available at the meeting was an Ohio Department of Health hand-out entitled ?“How To Prevent Rats?” since some streets are experiencing such a problem.
The next HRAA meeting is scheduled for March 5.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:41 PM (a nice short meeting!).
Respectfully submitted,
Kathie Butler
HRAA Secretary