AREA A: (This area encompasses Dempsey Road to 3540, all streets north of Dempsey and west of I 270)
ARNETT CT - 20 homes
ARNETT RD - 12 homes
CARTHAGE CT - 21 homes
CARTHAGE DR - 11 homes
DAHLGREEN DR (3480-3548) - 21 homes
DAHLGREEN DR (3433-3475) - 16 homes
DAHLGREEN DR (3391-3427) - 15 homes
DEMPSEY RD (3352-3395) - 15 homes
DEMPSEY RD (3399-3458) - 19 homes
DEMPSEY RD (3462-3547) - 25 homes
FOX RUN CT - 4 homes
FOX RUN RD - 22 homes
HUNT CLUB RD N & W - 33 homes
MONTFORD RD E,N - 17 homes
MONTFORD RD S,W - 16 homes
RENO RD - 11 homes
SADDLE LN E,S,W - 17 homes
SADDLE LN CT - 7 homes
TRITON CT - 8 homes
VICKERS CT - 5 homes
VICKERS DR - 20 homes
AREA B: (This are encompasses Dempsey Road 3540 and east to 3730; Bader, Batavia, Paris N., homes east of Paris N. and north of Paris E.)
BADER CT - 20 homes
BADER RD - 7 homes
BALBOA CT - 4 homes
BALBOA PL - 15 homes
BALBOA RD - 12 homes
BATAVIA CT - 6 homes
BATAVIA RD - 18 homes
BOLAMO CT - 17 homes
BOLAMO DR - 14 homes
DEMPSEY RD (3540-3730) - 15 homes
PARIS BL N - 30 homes
AREA C: (this area encompasses homes east of Westerville Road from Dakar, south to Paris, to Buenos Aires.)
CAIRO RD (5716-5864) - 19 homes
CANBERRA CT - 7 homes
DAKAR RD E - 24 homes
DAKAR RD W - 26 homes
PARIS BL (3370-3496) - 38 homes
PARIS BL (3502-3611) - 33 homes
RANGOON DR - 35 homes
SAIGON DR - 24 homes
VIENNA CT - 4 homes
VIENNA DR - 7 homes
AREA D: (This area encompasses homes south of Dempsey, east of Glengary shopping - Bangasi and Cairo north of Brazzaville, west of Paris N., north of Huber Ridge School.)
BANGASI RD - 26 homes
CAIRO RD (5880-6141) - 25 homes
KARIKAL CT - 20 homes
KARIKAL DR - 43 homes
MAKASSAR DR - 44 homes
MANILA DR (3477-3551) - 19 homes
MANILA DR (3559-3614) - 19 homes
MANILA DR (3618-3663) - 20 homes
AREA E: (this area includes the Buenos Aires loop north of Paris Bl., homes east of Buenos Aires Bl. and south of Paris Bl., and north of Mexico.)
BUENOS AIRES (North of Paris) 5720-5845 - 25 homes
CARACAS DR - 35 homes
LAPAZ PL - 6 homes
LIMA DR (3660-3697) - 18 homes
LIMA DR (3710-3766) - 23 homes
MONTEVIDEO DR (North of Caracas) - 21 homes
PANAMA DR (3640-36974;E of Buenos Aires) - 24 homes
PANAMA DR (3700-3744; E of Buenos Aires) - 18 homes
PARIS BL (3625 to 3695/3698) - 37 homes
PARIS BL E (3699-3752) - 21 homes
VARADERO DR - 14 homes
AREA F: (this area includes homes south of Paris Bl. but west of Buenos Aires; and homes bordering SR 161)
ACAPULCO PL - 10 homes
BUENOS AIRES (South of Paris to Santiago) 5581-5701 - 24 homes
BUENOS AIRES (South of Santiago to S.R. 161) 5569-5398 - 21 homes
COPENHAGEN DR - 32 homes
DUBLIN-GRANVILLE RD - 2 homes (on Harbin)
HARBIN DR - 11 homes
LISBON PL - 5 homes
MADRID DR (5519-5645) - 27 homes
MADRID DR (3525-3620) - 23 homes
OSLO DR - 28 homes
PANAMA DR (3515-3622; W of Buenos Aires) - 34 homes
STOCKHOLM RD - 31 homes
AREA G: (this is the area east of Buenos Aires, south of and including Mexico and streets off Mexico, south to Ridgewood Park)
BASHAW DR - 21 homes
BOGOTA DR - 18 homes
MANAGUA DR - 21 homes
MEXICO AV - 34 homes
MONTEVIDEO DR (South of Caracas) - 22 homes
NATALIE CT - 21 homes
SANTIAGO DR - 34 homes
SPOHN CT & DR - 21 homes
AREA H: (this area is the apartments just south of SR. 161 off Harbin)
WESTERVILLE RD (St Rte 161 to I-270)