Huber Ridge Area

Water Rate Increase

Posted in: Huber Ridge Area
I received a letter dated Oct 11, '07 regarding another rate increase.

WTF. Didn't we just go through this? Although there is no percentage listed in this full page letter, by my calculations it works out to be approximately 20%.

Sure, the water tastes better... for now. So I'll continue to drive to Captain Carwash and refill my 5-gallon water bottles for $1 each.

Too bad we can't get a choice of water company suppliers like we can with the gas company.

By Pissed on Panama
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  • bambi
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  • Blendon Township, OH
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Rate Increase Again

Yes, we did just go through this. And your calculations are low, only because they word it in such a way as to make us think it is not so bad - but it is OUTRAGEOUS.

Using 7 CCF, they are seeking a 26.81% increase for water and a 36.80% increase for sewer for an average rate increase of 31.86%.

The HRAA has already drafted two petitions - one for the PUCO and one for Governor Strickland. Some have already signed them. Anyone who is willing to go door to door to get signatures should let me know via email and I will get you petitions. So far we have Mexico covered. Are you willing to do Panama?

Maybe if 1000 residents go to Governor Strickland's officer he will take note and stop this extortion.

Expect to see the letter Jim Welch received on our website soon. It provides the details.

It is up to us to act.
Don't bother with the trustees..

This was discussed at the Q&A - their reply was ''they are a public company and have to make a profit''.

If we want a different attitude representing us, we need to vote in different attitudes and people with some fire.

By Resident
buying a home or used car?

I guess I'm the only one who saw this coming, back when we asked for reverse osmosis we were all told it would come with a price! Now we go and complain more, and we are told ok but it will come with a price! Who is suppose to pay for it? If you negotiate a price for a home, in two years do you ask for the previous owner to replace the roof? no you pay out of your own pocket. If you buy a new car, and negotiate a price, in two years do you go back and say hey it needs tires and i want you to buy my tires for me? It sounds like the HRAA and there President negotiated a great deal for the residents but forgot to include the roof and the tires! So now everyone is going to have to pay. When you keep asking a company to improve there product( gasoline, cigarettes as an example) prices go up for that product and the consumer is who loses. So if you don't want your water bill to increase more, put your house up for sale and move to another area with the same schools and better water, like Minerva Park. This is what a lot of people are doing so they won't have to fight anymore for better quality water.

By Big Water bill payer
Blendon Township, Ohio 43081