To the residents of Huber Ridge,
I am along time resident of Huber Ridge. I distribute the Herald and walk my dog in the Huber Ridge area.What I have seen in the last 2 weeks is disgusting. Did the littering laws get suspended?Do we no longer have any self pride much less community pride? Walking my dog last week I picked up newspapers, plastic bags, beer bottles, pop cans, candy wrappers, chip wrappers, styrofoam cups and other garbage. All of this was in sight of the front door of these houses. Delivering the Herald I saw properties with dirty front entrances, chipped and peeling paint, garbage cans at the front entrance, newspapers not picked up, windows that were so brown and dirty I doubt you could see out, broken sidewalks, driveways in disrepair, and landscaping that is in serious need of attention.
Not to mention the cars, trailers, and boats parked in the grass and tearing up the yards. What has happened? Many of these properties were owner occupied and not rentals. What I saw was unbelievable. Our neighborhood has been on the receiving end of some very derrogatory comments in the past and after what I saw last week they are deserved. Have you seen how much trash is at the curb on Sunday after a Friday pickup? Where is our community responsibility, our pride, our self respect?