Huber Ridge Area

New Glengary entrance

Posted in: Huber Ridge Area
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  • bambi
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Afterall, this is private property we are talking about and ODOT simply replaced what they had removed to accomplish the road construction.  In order to make it more level it would have involved removing more dirt from under parking lot that wasn't impacted.  I'm not surprised that there is no further plans to work on that entrance by ODOT . . .


I am not surprised there are no further plans by ODOT either.  Personally, their answer seems like an excuse - they do, after all, work with engineers.  There is no perceivable reason why they could not have cut deeper to make for a safe entrance.  MStaud is correct, one does look at the clouds as one approaches the top of this "ramp."  Your point, Carolyn, about it being private property indicates to me that this matter should now be taken up with the shopping center owners.  As the "resident who brought it up at the trustee meeting," I will check with Bryan and hope for a positive resolution.


To both residents who have expressed concerns on this post - and your concerns make sense to me - you should copy and past what you have written here and send your thoughts to the trustees.  I agree with your concerns.  It would be better if you could express your thoughts in person at a trustee meeting during the open session.  Our trustees need to know that there are many more concerned residents other than the few who usually attend.


Thanks, Carolyn, for contacting ODOT.

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This is so frustrating.  They did not simply replace what they removed, they altered the entire street!  Private property or not, if ODOT hadn't lowered Dempsey Road, the Glengary entrance would not be an issue right now.  The plans that they drew up and carried out created a hazardous situation that did not exist before they started.  It should be their responsibility to fix it, not the business owners.  Unfortunately, it appears they aren't willing to take ownership of their mistakes.  I am willing to bet this type of thing wouldn't be allowed to occur north of 270.



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  • bambi
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Blendon Township, OH
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Agree, Marnie.  Totally.  And I have no answer.



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  • bambi
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  • Blendon Township, OH
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Dear Marnie,


When I wrote that I have no answer, I really mean that I have no more power as a citizen.  But I have thoughts.  There are those in office who do have power; power to go to bat on behalf of what is RIGHT for the community.  That would encompass our trustees as well as our service director.  They could express their concerns about this entrance because it is indeed a safety issue, and now it is an economic issue - someone has to pay to make it right.


The last I checked, ODOT is not God; they answer to someone.  I doubt anyone has contacted top officials at ODOT to ensure this is not overlooked or ignored.  And if the top officials at ODOT do not listen, then the Governor may and should be able to exercise his influence in getting ODOT to make it right.


Do the shopping center owners (BIJO LLC) even know that this has become or is an issue?  I wonder.  Because if they do, then they need to strongly object and together with the trustees, they need to voice their disapproval and demand that the entrance be corrected.  It will affect their pocket book in the long run.


The tenants also need to voice their concerns.  This will affect them as well.


I suspect many residents have not complained about this because they are expecting it to be "finished" correctly when weather permits.


The trustees need to be a team on this and take this matter seriously, act quickly, and be tenacious about it.  Do they need citizens to draft a petition to object to ODOT?  They should first direct someone to make the calls - to the top; and they should be writing the letter(s) needed, until they get ODOT to make it right.


Jim Welch reads these posts; we elected him because we believed he was someone who would listen.  As I mentioned earlier, however, the trustees need to be a team on this.


We will see.




Pam Clegg


Blendon Township, Ohio 43081